Christmas Bread Wreath | Braum's

Christmas Bread Wreath


  • 1 (1 lb.) Loaf Frozen Bread Dough, white or honey wheat or 12 white rolls, or 4 Parker House rolls
  • Braum’s Butter or Margarine, melted
  • Foil or Parchment Paper
  • Holiday Ribbon and Decorations


  1. Grease a sheet pan or round pizza pan.
  2. Cut a 10-inch circle from a piece of parchment paper or foil.
  3. Place on pan and grease. Set aside.
  4. If using bread dough, divide thawed loaf into 12 equal portions. If using roll dough, you do not need to divide.
  5. With lightly floured hands, roll each piece of thawed dough into a rope 6 to 8 inches long.
  6. Tie each rope into a loose knot.
  7. Arrange knots in a 10-inch ring, placing them 1 inch apart on the parchment (or foil). Be sure that the loose ends of the knots are all pointing the same way.
  8. Brush rolls with melted Braum’s Butter. Cover loosely with plastic wrap. Let rise until double
    in size.
  9. Bake in a preheated 375-degree oven for 20 minutes or until golden brown.
  10. Remove from pan to cool on wire rack.


For ease of preparation, rolls may be assembled in the morning and placed in the refrigerator to rise so that they will be fully risen by dinner time. Just cover buttered wreath loosely with plastic wrap. When the dough has risen and ready to bake, remove plastic wrap and let the pan sit at room temperature for 20 to 30 minutes and place in preheated oven as directed above.